and spirit...encouragement for your soul.

Hopefully this will be a place of resources and information for living a healthy lifestyle while feeding your soul. Recipes, links to helpful sites, words of encouragement and scripture....all to help you and your family make wise decisions for your life.

Friday, April 16, 2010

A good time was had by all!

Opening ceremonies are over, the dragon is awake and the paddlers are ready to compete. The dinner honoring our invited dragon boat officials and local elected officials went well. The food was delicious and the pina coladas were magnificent! Our Rotary District Governor and Assistant Governor were in attendance along with the District Foundation Chair. Thanks to all who made it a successful event. A special thank you to our sponsors, Danny and Dr. Susan Caddell and Vann Gannaway Chevrolet.

Wayne and I have spent the evening loading the car at home, unloading the car at the festival, reloading the car at the festival, unloading the car at home and reloading the car for tomorrow. WHEW!

I have a Juice Plus tent and we are selling smoothies! Come on down and try something healthy. When you are out of sight of my tent you can go indulge in hot dogs or barbecue! Just don't let me see you.

Don't forget THS grad, Robert (Bob) Douce will be signing his book "Cosmic Light." He will be delighted to see all his old friends.

Don't miss this very fun time tomorrow. There will be a few sea planes, many pleasure boats and lots and lots of dragon boats and paddlers. Some of the paddlers are serious. Others are just fun. We have several teams from The Villages. I believe I heard they are the first "seniors" team in dragon boat racing. Everyone should enjoy the waterfront and the festival.

God keep all of us safe and bless the City of Tavares and the Dragon Boat Festival! Amen.