My last post was some time ago. I'm not proud I have not kept up with my commitment to post once per week but I'm not going to beat myself up. Instead I'm going to begin again with a new attitude.
I'm currently in the middle of a Beth Moore Bible Study entitled, "James, Mercy Triumphs." I was very excited to sign up to participate in the study as I love any Beth Moore Bible studies. I hadn't read James. OMG....I couldn't believe the book of James was the source of all those Bible quotes that were so familiar to me.
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds." James 1:2
Are you like me? You must "vent" by telling everyone how you have been wronged and it just isn't fair!
"My dear brothers, "take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger." James 1:19
Good grief! James obviously never drove a car on Florida highways during the winter!
What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds." James 2:14
How many times have I complained about having to spend so much time setting up, cleaning up, planning and executing events at church? That privelege should have been "pure joy."
Adding up all these verses goes back to my last few (distant) posts. Controlling our tongues and subsequently our attitudes, is imperative. Self control is a Godly concept and we humans are, for the most part, miserable failures.
I attend a weekly prayer group where we often discuss our "lack of faith." I don't identify with that, as faith is my spiritual gift, but I understand it is a challenge for many and I try not to judge. I have great faith and very few doubts.
My tongue is my thorn in the side. Even when I'm speaking of the challenge of keeping control of my mouth I find myself giving examples by complaining about folks with whom I disagree.
I'm on my knees often these days asking for forgiveness of my weaknesses and pleading for help and guidance with my mouth in the future.
Kneeling is also not a bad thing. The more I study, pray and ask forgiveness, the more I mature as a Christian. I have a long way to go but I am determined to grow everyday in Christ. The study of the book of James is a huge asset for those wishing to mature.
Who will join me in practicing self control? I have joined Weight Watchers Online, I have committed to exercise and drink more water and I am trusting God to guide me in my Christian walk. That tongue is still a problem but I'm confident my God can help me with that too!
Tuesday 4 ~ Home Sweet Home
(this isn't our house, but the pond certainly
looks a lot like it)
*Home Sweet Home*
*Hello! Welcome back to *Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4
*where each week w...
1 day ago
I love this post! I've been rather busy, so hadn't taken the time to read it until today. I am praying that God is using His Word in the book of James to encourage you daily in your walk of faith, even if faith is one of your spiritual gifts, sometimes we all need reminders as to how to best use our gifts. I have been reading James as well in my morning is a convicting little book for those of us who love to "speak first and ask forgiveness later..." I hope you will keep writing. You always have something good to say and I appreciate hearing what the Lord is saying through you to me! Love ya girlfriend! We need a THS girl's reunion again soon.