I am just back from a gathering we call "Prayer Breakfast." We meet at 0600 every Tuesday morning for prayer, fellowship, book study and of course, food. I joined the group a few years ago and each week when the alarm sounds I ask myself, "What am I doing?" Once I'm up and going I'm fine. I enjoy the discussion and the fellowship with my friends. We are mostly Methodists and mostly lifelong Christians. We have fun planning projects and "movie nights" and now we are thinking of planning trips to special restaurants we are anxious to try.
Anyone is welcome to join us but we are the same group of folks for the last several years. Occasionally someone asks me about the group and I invite them to come check us out. They are very enthusiastic until I tell them when, where and what TIME!! The response when they hear 6:00AM is usually...."WHOA! No thank you!" The Baptists are more civilized. They are gathering as we are leaving at 7:00AM. I used to be Baptist....maybe I should rethink that.
I am happy with the first day of the life changes I am making. I ate well yesterday, exercised, had lunch with girl friends (laughed much) and attended a Trustee meeting at church. I finished the day at dinner with good friends and retired early. I would say I achieved balance in my lifestyle yesterday.
Love all the Facebook well wishes. What a blessing a simple social networking web site has been. It is amazingly easy to keep up with friends and family in one spot.
I am responsible for the music at a small group today. What's your favorite hymn? I love gospel music and can't say I have one particular favorite. However, I asked that question at breakfast this morning and at least two people knew exactly and immediately their favorite. I am choosing to play Sandi Patti's "We Shall Behold Him" today. I am inspired by her voice and the message.
Here's hoping everyone has a healthy, happy day today!
Tuesday 4 ~ Home Sweet Home
(this isn't our house, but the pond certainly
looks a lot like it)
*Home Sweet Home*
*Hello! Welcome back to *Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4
*where each week w...
1 day ago