I spent the morning visiting a couple of elderly ladies from our church who are no longer able to attend church. One did not mention her age but the other was 96 years old. I was very surprised by how beautiful the 96 year old lady looked when we were first welcomed into her living room. Her hair was perfectly coiffed, her nails were manicured, her make up was artfully applied and she was wearing earrings and jewelry. Since I knew she was a "shut in" I did not expect this wonderful sight. She spoke lovingly of her family and friends and missed being active in her community. She was blessed that one of her daughters lived nearby. Her living room was bright and sunny and the visit was probably more of a blessing for me than for her.
The other lady was dressed in a robe, was obviously in poor health and had no family in the area. She did have two nieces who live in other states that call to check on her everyday and she was very appreciative of their attentiveness.
Both of these ladies suffer from loneliness. I am reminded again today of how blessed I am for my good health and positive attitude. I am also very thankful for my large and loving family. Two of my children and five of my grandchildren live nearby and I see or speak with them frequently. My other children and grandchildren live in other states but I speak with them weekly, if not daily, and we text and email constantly. I have many cousins in other states and we communicate via email and phone as well. My elderly aunt in Missouri calls me every two weeks on Saturday.
I can't say I have experienced a feeling of loneliness in many, many years. I am grateful for a full life. I am counting my blessings!!
Tuesday 4 ~ Home Sweet Home
(this isn't our house, but the pond certainly
looks a lot like it)
*Home Sweet Home*
*Hello! Welcome back to *Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4
*where each week w...
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