A little rest and relaxation is always a good thing. I love to travel and sight see and have been blessed with the ability to fly anywhere in the world for many years! I have enjoyed many popular cities in Europe, Asia, Central America, Canada and Mexico. It's great to visit but I love going home.
I am not one of those folks who can go on vacation for two weeks or a month. I love long weekends, sometimes five days away from home then I am more than ready to "get back at it." I also love my own bed and shower.
It has been fun working in new/different scenery and being away from the office phone. My lap top allows me to work from anywhere and stay in communication with anyone who needs me. I have been able to participate in conference calls via "Skype" on my computer and read books on my cell phone. (Kindle application for IPhone) The only thing we didn't have on this trip that was sorely missed was DVR. Do you get the idea I'm a gadget person? You would be right! Gadgets make my life easier and DVR is the best invention in the last 10 years!!
I never like to be negative but it's hard to remain on a diet or eating plan when you're traveling. We do the best we can by cooking in the condo and eating out only once per day. Most restaurants have decent vegetarian selections or an abundance of salads. We COULD make healthy choices but too often we convince ourselves "we're on vacation and we deserve that treat." Can anyone identify?
All in all it was an enjoyable few days visiting with old friends, soaking in the hot tub, dining on seafood and shopping. I am now ready for home.
Thank you Lord for dear friends. Thank you for a safe trip and the blessings of laughter, taste buds and lap tops. We give You praise for the beautiful scenery of native trees, colorful flowers, lakes and rivers You created. Keep us safe as we travel home and bring us back together again soon. Amen.
Something New for My Friday Foto Friends
This morning I was reading one of my blogging friend's posts, Tales of the
TCKK Family, HERE, and she (Cathy) was doing a new photo challenge that I
9 hours ago