Tomorrow my church, Tavares First United Methodist, celebrates our annual "Grassroots Sunday."
This is a time of reflection and looking forward, celebrating victories and hashing over what we may have done better, enjoying fellowship, patriotic songs, praise songs and great food.
We informally join in one service, one Body of Christ, one in Spirit, in our activities center to thank God for the many, many blessings we have enjoyed this past year. We also use this time to map out what we would like to accomplish in the coming year.
My part in the program is to enumerate our blessings for the congregation. When I began to list the good things we have enjoyed this past year I was totally amazed at how fast and how many blessings i could recall. I know I haven't thought of, or are even aware of, all the blessings God has bestowed on us. All I can do is start with what I know and hope the congregations can "shout out" what I have over looked.
We are going to follow our service with a "dinner on the grounds." Randy Stiles will be grilling burgers and hot dogs (provided by the church and a very generous donor) and our very gifted congregation will bring side dishes. There will be all the usual condiments: tomatoes, lettuce, onions, relish, mustard and ketchup. The tables are set, the praise band is ready, the preacher is inspired and watermelons are chillin'. I can't imagine anything better!
I hope what we do tomorrow will Honor God and make our congregation happy! I am so looking forward to the day!
If you do not have a church home, or even if you do, we would love to have you join us tomorrow! We are a "hugging" church so be prepared to be loved!
I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord.
Psalm 122:1