Oh how I love a lazy, hazy summer Sunday. Spending it with good friends in a lawn chair on the dock watching the rafters makes it even better. River friends meander down the river on bicycles, golf carts or boats and sit a spell with us. Then they're off to sit and visit on another dock for awhile.
We sip on iced tea or something stronger, depending on the time of day. We return waves and greetings from the rafters. We talk about doing something constructive but decide against it. Someone rises from a chair, stretches and calls, "I'm going up to the house for some more tea, anyone want anything?"
Yesterday we managed to pull ourselves off the dock and take a boat ride up river. Beyond where the rafters put in we found a shallow, sandy area suitable for getting in the water. The girls got out of the boat and onto rafts for an hour float back to the dock. The water is a constant 72 degrees and very refreshing on a blistering hot day.
Since we were up river from the rafters much of the way it was very quiet and we were able to enjoy the abundant wild life. Otters were playing nearby, a mama duck with her hatchlings swam close to us. We saw little green herons, huge white egrets and the ever present water turkeys.
After floating back to the dock we got out of the water, settled back in our lawn chairs, picked up our iced tea and resumed visiting. It was my kind of day.
Tuesday 4 ~ Home Sweet Home
(this isn't our house, but the pond certainly
looks a lot like it)
*Home Sweet Home*
*Hello! Welcome back to *Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4
*where each week w...
1 day ago