This is my favorite time of year. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love to cook and I love to eat! I am not a good gift buyer so Christmas can create a bit of pressure. Thanksgiving has all the elements I love, including food, family and friends but without the expense and pressure of gifts!
Since learning how to coupon I have even been able to cut down on the expense of the food for Thanksgiving AND I'm growing some of my vegetables. (See post from November 17th.) I can hardly wait to harvest my first squash! I have already begun to cut herbs and lettuce.
Every year I plan to do something different for the menu and, after many complaints, I always revert back to all the family favorites. My family loves: Tootsie's squash casserole, broccoli souffle' and Zellwood creamed corn. (All the recipes are on my recipe blog: Of course, there will be the usual turkey and dressing (mine is cornbread) and pumpkin pie along with pecan pie. I am planning to attempt making "Granny's yeast rolls" from my brother Joe's recipe. I'm not really sure about it as I don't normally bake, it takes a long time and there is a pretty good chance the rolls won't "turn out." I am resolved to try though.
I'll start the prepping Monday by chopping and cooking some of the vegetables that go into making the dressing, gravy and other dishes. The trinity (onions, peppers and celery) and mirepoix (celery, onion and carrots) will be on the chopping block. I may not be stocked well enough on butter and chicken stock. Another trip to the store with coupons in hand may be required. Trips to the store seem to be an ongoing process when I begin cooking. I am always grateful Wayne is willing to help. He even cleans the pots and pans and little messes I leave while I'm cooking. I am blessed!
It would be very, very nice if we could all just place life on hold while we prepare for the holiday. Unfortunately, we shall all squeeze in the added duties of Thanksgiving with the appointments, meetings and events we always manage. It's okay...I still love it!
I hope you enjoy Thanksgiving as much as I do. If not, come on over to my house. There will be plenty!
Tuesday 4 ~ Home Sweet Home
(this isn't our house, but the pond certainly
looks a lot like it)
*Home Sweet Home*
*Hello! Welcome back to *Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4
*where each week w...
1 day ago