and spirit...encouragement for your soul.

Hopefully this will be a place of resources and information for living a healthy lifestyle while feeding your soul. Recipes, links to helpful sites, words of encouragement and scripture....all to help you and your family make wise decisions for your life.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Container gardening 101

One of the wonderful gifts I received for my birthday was a book on container gardening. The title is "Container Gardens for Florida" by Pamela Crawford. My buddy, Paula, gave it to me. Although I received it weeks ago I just found time to sit down and browse through it yesterday. It came with a DVD that has demonstrations on how to do things and what NOT to do. I can't find the DVD and the book keeps referring to it. My quest for today is to find that DVD!!

One wonderful thing about the book is the pictures of the containers after they are planted and arranged in groups. The pictures were so inspiring I barely thumbed through 10 pages before I found myself at the garden center picking out plants. I had a most enjoyable afternoon matching up colors, textures and sizes, sun loving plants vs. shade lovers, flowering vs. foilage.

Of course, all gardeners will recognize themselves when I tell you that my selection of pots were dingy and dull and I found it necessary to paint a pot before I could plant it. It's like starting to clean out a closet and before you know it you are cleaning the entire house and planning a garage sale. I retrieved the cans of spray paint and got started. I didn't like the first color I tried so I used several colors and made it a "mottled" look. The colors look very nice with the colors of the plants and I am pleased with the outcome. I hope I can keep the new planted containers looking good all surmmer and into the fall.

I had decided I would use three small pots a friend had given me to use in my patio courtyard. Instead I planted two big pots because I purchased too many plants and they were all too big for the three small pots. I am sitting here thinking now about how to plant those three small pots. Another trip to the garden center today is eminent. I have more empty and unused pots and they MUST be filled.

Thank you God for flowers and foiliage. I see you in all the beauty that surrounds me. Thank you for the good health I enjoy that enables me to complete my gardening tasks. Amen.