Okay, I know I'm late posting on the progress I've made with my tongue but I have plenty of excuses: I have been out of town, I have been busy, I have been not as well as usual, I've had writer's block, I am ashamed to admit I have gossiped in the last couple of months, etc., etc., All of the above apply but I'll admit the most accurate is I have not been focused. One of my issues is developing a "Daily Method of Operation" that will allow me to accomplish all I have to do and want to do each day. In other words, DISCIPLINE!
On the subject of gossip and controlling my tongue, I can truthfully say I have made progress. I no longer "mindlessly" talk about people in a negative manner. I'm at least aware when I have made an unnecessary comment. Also, since I challenged myself to "control my tongue" I am happy to report I have a more kindly, tolerant attitude toward many of those I used to rail against. Amazingly, I can see both sides of an issue more easily and more clearly most of the time.
How about you? Do you do what you need to do or want to do each day? Do you have a plan to accomplish what you intend? Do you work your plan?
I have to say I have a very detailed calendar for every day of the week. Some of the activities I have scheduled for myself are Bible study, Juice Plus activities, partnership activities, personal growth, exercise, Rotary, office work, cooking and gardening. I make very elaborate plans for each day of the week and I make an effort to keep track of what I actually do. I may as well just tie myself to an old fashion scrub board and jump up and down.
What deters me from keeping to my plan? LIFE! The phone rings, the doorbell sounds, the bugs are eating my vegetables, the mailman brings an urgent, act now message, the grand kids need my help, the church needs me to advertise something, the family business needs attention.
Obviously, the Bible has all the answers we need. Just read Proverbs and be convicted of any number of self absorbed issues. Proverbs contains reprimands, wisdom, encouragement and guidance. If we follow the advice of Proverbs we shall all lead a very productive, fulfilling life.
Another really good book supporting the Bible's admonishments is: "The Four Agreements".....that is: 1. Be Impeccable With Your Word; 2. Don't Take Anything Personally; 3. Never Make Assumptions; 4. Always Do Your Best!
Sooooo.....my challenge this month (November) is to develop a daily method of operation and stick to it. I mean stick to it through all the challenges life presents. My goal is to adjust when I need to, discard the urge to beat up myself when I don't do everything on the list but stick to it as closely as possible.
Oh yeah, I also challenge myself to continue to "watch my tongue!" God willing I'll have a good report at the end of the month! How about you?
Tuesday 4 ~ Home Sweet Home
(this isn't our house, but the pond certainly
looks a lot like it)
*Home Sweet Home*
*Hello! Welcome back to *Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4
*where each week w...
1 day ago
Somehow I missed this when it posted...it's a good one! Glad I found it! Been missing you!