I had a blast writing the recipes and the stories for the food blog. The competition ended Friday night and I was notified today that I finished in second place! I am very happy and excited about that! I would love to have won but ran out of time and recipes at the end. It was fun doing all those posts and I have a good start on a future cookbook? We'll see!
Many of you made recipe contributions and for that you have my eternal gratitude! Some of those recipes I remember from my childhood (Snickerdoodles) and others are more complicated and more recent (Red Fish with Crab and Roasted Red Pepper Sauce) and others are just simple (Thousand Island Dressing). They are all fun and I hope you'll try some of them soon.
I am still posting and editing. The Videojug.com folks have been very nice and helpful during the entire process. They have asked me to try my hand at doing some instructional videos and I'm going to give it a go. I have the camera but I don't know how to edit. I am vowing I shall learn to edit very soon. Now I just need a new dress, new hairdo, new kitchen, new pots and pans.....
Tuesday 4 ~ Home Sweet Home
(this isn't our house, but the pond certainly
looks a lot like it)
*Home Sweet Home*
*Hello! Welcome back to *Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4
*where each week w...
1 day ago
Congratulations!!! I'm sorry you weren't in 1st place...but 2nd is still great! What a wonderful new "open window" of opportunity for you! I can't wait to have a copy of your cookbook! You will probably have your book written long before I do...I am very proud of you, just the way you are! Why not do this without all the "new stuff"...show the rest of the world that we can be successful without having to have all the newest and latest gadgets...by just being ourselves...the real deal...You don't have to be a "Martha Stewart" to impress the "real people" out here...We'll love you just the way you are...and so will they. Love, your "old" friend from the beginning of time until the end...Pam
ReplyDeleteThanks Pam! I was only kidding about the new stuff. All the pictures will be of just me and the food in my real kitchen. A new hairdo may be in order though!