A couple of months ago I was invited to create a new blog on videojug.com. It's a "how to" site with mostly "how to" video clips. They wanted to expand into blog pages and I was invited to be a "Founder." I wasn't sure about it and had no idea how I would proceed but thought I would give it a try.
I decided to make it a food blog and publish mostly old southern recipes. I have been so pleasantly surprised by the memories conjured up by all the old casseroles and dishes. Each click of the keyboard makes me smile as I type the ingredients list of my aunt's "fried" corn or my mother's "one egg cake." With each published recipe I think of three others I want to request from my favorite cooks. Red fish from my brother Joe, coconut cream pie from Catherine Aylor, key lime pie from Alan Carter...I could go on and on.
My family and circle of friends is chocked full of gifted cooks and it's difficult to decide which recipe to request next. As I reminisce about the family dinners and Junior Women's Club card parties and casual gatherings with friends I treasure the food and fellowship that has made up a large part of my life.
I am thrilled with my new adventure and grateful for all those who follow both my blogs. I love the comments and appreciate the good wishes. Amazingly, I never thought of writing and publishing until a few months back when my friend, Pam, launched a blog and inspired me to do the same. And here we both are....just publishing away!
Thank you Lord for old and new friends. Thank you for inspired cooks who share their recipes and techniques. Amen
Tuesday 4 ~ Home Sweet Home
(this isn't our house, but the pond certainly
looks a lot like it)
*Home Sweet Home*
*Hello! Welcome back to *Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4
*where each week w...
1 day ago
Yes, Thank you Lord for old and new friends! Remember in Girl Scouts we used to sing a little song, "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold!" You are one of the "golden ones"...a keeper for life! I am enjoying reading your blog and your food blog...You were blessed to have so many good cooks in your family. I always LOVED to go home with you after school...especially when I was allowed to stay for supper! Your mother always prepared the most scrumptious meals! I don't know how any of you stayed so skinny...I guess it was all of the back flips off the diving board, cartwheels, and climbing trees that did it...and chasing after the baton after it was thrown into the air...Oh wait...I'm the one who had to chase the baton...and tried to dodge it when it came down out of the air...I never was very good at that...had a lot of lumps on my head in those days...Happy Memories with my "golden friend"!!!