Our Pastor's wife, Crystal, sent an email to everyone for whom she had email addresses regarding the "Women of Faith" event in October, near our home, in Orlando, Florida. The response has been amazing!
I have heard about the "Women of Faith" events for many years but have never had the opportunity to attend. I can hardly wait! Some of my favorite speakers and singers and performers will be there: Andy Andrews, Sandi Patty, Amy Grant, Mandisa, Patsy Clairmont, Marilyn Meberg, Brenda Warner, Ballet Magnificent.....
The line up is fabulous!
When the email went out we thought 30 women would be a good "stretch" goal. We are currently at 37 women and counting! What a blessing for our church, our community and our relationships! There is no telling what will happen when 40 women get together "in the spirit!" I predict changed lives and a changed spiritual community!
I recently read the very short, very powerful book by Andy Andrews, "The Butterfly Effect." Though short, the book was extremely powerful! Andy's message is that everything we do matters. If you haven't read it I highly recommend it. It's about a 15 to 20 minute read that can change lives.
I am so much looking forward to the fellowship of my sisters in Christ! I'm looking forward to the speakers and entertainers and mostly, I'm looking forward to being with thousands of like minded women!
If you would like to join our group please let me know. There are still tickets available and a few rooms left to share. Just think of it as a "girls night out!" I just can't wait!
Tuesday 4 ~ Home Sweet Home
(this isn't our house, but the pond certainly
looks a lot like it)
*Home Sweet Home*
*Hello! Welcome back to *Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4
*where each week w...
1 day ago