and spirit...encouragement for your soul.

Hopefully this will be a place of resources and information for living a healthy lifestyle while feeding your soul. Recipes, links to helpful sites, words of encouragement and scripture....all to help you and your family make wise decisions for your life.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Women of Faith Event in Orlando - October 12 & 13

I have been hearing about "Women of Faith" from friends and family for many years.  I have heard only rave reviews for the organization, the speakers, the musicians, the entire experience!  I have always been a little envious of those who have had the opportunity to enjoy this potentially life changing event.  Now "Women of Faith" will be in Orlando in October and I do not intend to miss it!

I received an email with a personal invitation to attend and perhaps you did too.  We are planning to attend as a group and there will be a link to register with our group soon.  There is a group discount so be sure to wait for the link before registering. 

Here are a few of the featured speakers and musicians: 

Mandisa - She's come a long way from singing in her bathroom with a curling iron "microphone"! The former American Idol finalist survived childhood abuse and an eating addiction to become one of the most promising new talents in the Christian music industry. She's been nominated for a Dove Award and TWO Grammy Awards (so far!)—and we expect more to follow. These days she sings with a carefree confidence about feeling more alive than ever. Through good times and bad, Mandisa has learned that God "can bring us out of whatever we're going through and even use it for good, and for His glory." She lives in Tennessee

Sandi Patty - You're probably familiar with Sandi's magnificent voice. You may know she's a Gospel Music Hall of Fame inductee with 39 Dove Awards, five Grammy Awards, and an armload of platinum and gold albums. But did you know she spent much of the last year performing with symphony orchestras across the country—when she wasn't at Women of Faith events, of course—including a concert at Carnegie Hall? Or that she's such a die-hard Indianapolis Colts fan she refuses to sing the National Anthem at their games? ("They lost every time I sang," Sandi mourns. "I love them too much to risk it again.") Sandi, her husband, Don, and their younger children (they have a total of eight) live in Oklahoma.

Andy Andrews - Andy is an internationally known speaker and novelist whose works have sold millions of copies worldwide. Andy lived a relatively normal life until the age of nineteen, when both his parents died—and he found himself literally homeless, sleeping under a pier or in some one's garage. Then he asked the question that would ultimately affect millions of people. "Is life just a lottery ticket, or are there choices one can make to direct his future?" Andy has spoken at the request of four different U.S. Presidents and works with people from all walks of life, including the military. He lives in Alabama, with his wife, Polly, and their two sons.

Patsy Clairmont - Every year women go home to regale their friends and family with the latest "Patsy story" and we expect this weekend will be no different. Patsy has a poet's gift for making words dance as she shares her adventures and God's overwhelming love. Who'd have thought the teenage runaway who spent later years housebound with agoraphobia would grow into the gifted communicator and best-selling author you see and read today? (Certainly not Patsy herself!) A proud mama of two boys and "nana" to two more, Patsy and husband Les live in Tennessee

Amy Grant - No description necessary!

Marilyn Meberg - At first glance, you might think Marilyn was a serious, wise, well-educated counselor. (And you'd be right!) But she's also prone to break into giggles at the slightest provocation and tell stories you'll still be laughing over years from now. With the weight of not one, but two Masters' degrees behind her, Marilyn tackles the most difficult subjects with aplomb. Her biblically-based brand of common sense and good humor is cherished by women across the continent. Marilyn claims California as home but has been on what she calls an "extended visit" to Texas since 2005.

Elisa Morgan, Brenda Warner and more to come!

I can hardly wait for October.  The event begins on Friday evening at the Amway Center at 7:00 until 10:00.  Then on Saturday morning we begin again at 9:00 until 5:00.  There is a prepaid lunch available for $10.00.  (The menu is posted on the website.) 

We are hoping to have at least 30 women join us for this fantastic event so spread the word!  I'll post again as soon as our group is set up and we have our group link.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Count Your Blessings, Name Them One By One!

Tomorrow my church, Tavares First United Methodist, celebrates our annual "Grassroots Sunday." 

This is a time of reflection and looking forward, celebrating victories and hashing over what we may have done better, enjoying fellowship, patriotic songs, praise songs and great food. 

We informally join in one service, one Body of Christ, one in Spirit,  in our activities center to thank God for the many, many blessings we have enjoyed this past year.  We also use this time to map out what we would like to accomplish in the coming year. 

My part in the program is to enumerate our blessings for the congregation.  When I began to list the good things we have enjoyed this past year I was totally amazed at how fast and how many blessings i could recall.  I know I haven't thought of, or are even aware of, all the blessings God has bestowed on us.  All I can do is start with what I know and hope the congregations can "shout out" what I have over looked. 

We are going to follow our service with a "dinner on the grounds."  Randy Stiles will be grilling burgers and hot dogs (provided by the church and a very generous donor) and our very gifted congregation will bring side dishes.  There will be all the usual condiments:  tomatoes, lettuce, onions, relish, mustard and ketchup.  The tables are set, the praise band is ready, the preacher is inspired and watermelons are chillin'.  I can't imagine anything better! 

I hope what we do tomorrow will Honor God and make our congregation happy!  I am so looking forward to the day!

If you do not have a church home, or even if you do, we would love to have you join us tomorrow!  We are a "hugging" church so be prepared to be loved! 

I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord. 

Psalm 122:1